WM Ref

Our History
Our History


Everything began more than 25 years ago in Monterrey, N.L., when the businessman from Monterrey, José Antonio Fernández Garza, decided to use his knowledge and experience to create, with the support of his wife, a company that could provide high-quality refractory solutions to the Steel, Aluminum, Cement, Copper, and related industries. Since then, our company has excelled in both the national and international markets as a reliable and specialized supplier in the manufacturing and sale of high-quality precast shapes and refractory concretes.

From the early years, our company focused on establishing manufacturing processes with the aim of offering products that met and exceeded our customers’ expectations.

Everything began more than 25 years ago in Monterrey, N.L., when the businessman from Monterrey, José Antonio Fernández Garza, decided to use his knowledge and experience to create, with the support of his wife, a company that could provide high-quality refractory solutions to the Steel, Aluminum, Cement, Copper, and related industries. Since then, our company has excelled in both the national and international markets as a reliable and specialized supplier in the manufacturing and sale of high-quality precast shapes and refractory concretes.

From the early years, our company focused on establishing manufacturing processes with the aim of offering products that met and exceeded our customers’ expectations.

With time, our team in WM Refractories have developed a wide range of products and services such as personalized precast refractories shapes, refractory concrete, mortars, the fabrication of furnaces, dried and sintering service other refractory materials; always focusing on the quality of our services and products. Which has allowed us to achieve our reputation as a reliable company and the trust of our national and international clients.

Thanks to our team at WM Refractories, our experience and our commitment to the services and products we provide to our clients, we have been able to expand our presence to international levels. On top of this we have also developed strong, long lasting relationships with our clients; which has allowed us to grow and prosper in a highly competitive market.

As part of WM Refractories, Altus Refractories, a trading company, was established in 2013, and in 2015, Altus Engineering, a specialist in the manufacturing of recirculation and transfer pumps for aluminum, was consolidated. Both companies are based in the United States.

Todo comenzó hace más de 25 años en Monterrey, N.L., cuando el empresario regiomontano José Antonio Fernández Garza decidió utilizar sus conocimientos y experiencia para crear con el apoyo de su esposa una empresa que pudiera proporcionar soluciones refractarias de alta calidad a la industria del Acero, Aluminio, Cemento, Cobre y derivados. Desde entonces, nuestra empresa se ha destacado en el mercado nacional e internacional como un proveedor confiable y especializado en la fabricación y venta de piezas prefabricadas y concretos refractarios de alta calidad. 

Durante los primeros años, nuestra empresa se enfocó en establecer procesos de fabricación, con el objetivo de ofrecer productos que cumplieran y superaran las expectativas de nuestros clientes.

Con el tiempo, en WM Refractories hemos desarrollado una amplia gama de productos y servicios, incluyendo piezas prefabricadas refractarias personalizadas, concretos, morteros, fabricación de hornos, secados y otros materiales refractarios siempre enfocados en la calidad del producto y el servicio, logrando así establecer una reputación sólida y ganar la confianza de nuestros clientes en México y en el extranjero. 

Gracias a nuestro gran equipo de trabajo, nuestra experiencia,compromiso con la calidad y el servicio al cliente, WM Refractories ha expandido su presencia a nivel nacional e internacional. Además, hemos desarrollado relaciones sólidas y de larga duración con nuestros clientes, lo que nos ha permitido crecer y prosperar en un mercado altamente competitivo. 

Como parte de WM Refractories, en el año 2013 se conformó Altus Refractories empresa comercialzadora y en el año 2015 se consolidó Altus Engineering especialista en la fabricación de bombas de recirculación y bombas de transferencia para aluminio.

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SINCE 2013

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Leading Energy Provider

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  • Undertakes laborious physical exercise except to obtain.
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  • Every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.
Vision Statement

Company wants to achieve

It is a long established fact that a readers will be distracted by readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

  • Undertakes laborious physical exercise except to obtain.
  • Find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy.
  • Every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.
Value Statement

produce high range of power

It is a long established fact that a readers will be distracted by readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

  • Undertakes laborious physical exercise except to obtain.
  • Find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy.
  • Every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.
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Our History

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A few reasons to Choose


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Foresee the pains & trouble that bound equally belongs to fail duty.

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Easy Renewable

Qndignation dislike men who beguiled all demoralized by charms.

Fun Numbers
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Satisfied People